Disneyland Paris

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At the beginning of December i visited the place that i have always wanted to go....Disneyland Paris! I have been wanting to go for so long now and it has finally happened, i went with my boyfriend as this is one of his favourite places too. We stayed at the Explorer Hotel which was about 15 minuets away from the park but it also included free busses to and from the park which ran every 10 minuets. 

We spent 3 nights at Disneyland and i can say that it was the perfect amount of time, we managed to see both the Disney Park and the Walt Disney Studios, we wanted to make sure we could see literally everything there and we did. We started with the Disney park first which was amazing, walking in for the first time it felt like nothing infant of me was real because the way they have decorated it was so amazing. 

We only ate in the Disney Village once which was at the Hard Rock Cafe, this was on the first night, on the other nights we was so tired from walking round the parks that we ended up eating at the hotel instead. 

I would say my favourite part of Disneyland Paris was the Parades, they made them so amazing and happy and got everyone involved. I would also recommend going to see Stitch in the Walt Disney Studios, i won't say too much because i don't want to ruin it but if you get picked out of the crowd like my boyfriend did then you will understand why i think it is so good and clever. 

Overall Disney was amazing and i would defiantly return again, but maybe/hopefully i will be going to the American Disney next! Here are some of my pictures from my trip....

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